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After the "Alchemy" science is studied, the new tab - Alchemy - will appear in the Vault window.

The "Alchemy" science allows:
1. making buildings "perfect";
2. making Artefacts "perfect";
3. stealing magic Crystals.

1. Perfection of buildings#

Some buildings, upgraded to the maximum level, can be perfected.
"Perfect" buildings have improved parameters and extra features.
For example, "perfect" military buildings produce certain number of units once a day.

When you click on a building of level 7 (or Tavern building of level 1) that can be perfected, you will find the "Make building perfect" button instead of the usual "Upgrade" button in the round menu of the building.

"Perfect" buildings are marked with a little crystal sign instead of the number showing level.

Perfection of a building can be added to the queue of construction.
Durability of the "perfect" buildings is 1 building's level higher.

In order to make a building "perfect" you will need resources, Black Gems, and Crystals.
Crystals for perfection are taken from Heroes' Bags and from the "Vault" tab of the Vault building.
After the next upgrade Crystals will also be taken from the "Alchemy" tab of the Vault building.
Crystal are taken in the following order: from Bags, from the "Vault", from the "Alchemy".

2. Perfection of Artefacts#

There is the Altar in the "Alchemy" tab of the Vault building.
There are 5 slots for Crystals of each type and 3 slots for Artefacts or Scrolls around the Altar.
And there is a slot for the Artefact you want to make "perfect" in the middle. If you place an Artefact in the slot you will be able to see the characteristics of the Artefact after upgrade.

Perfection of an Artefact requires 5 Crystals, 2 any Artefacts of the same level (with the one that is upgraded), and a Scroll.

Perfection is completed on clicking the "Make Artefact perfect" button.

"Perfect" Artefact costs more than similar not-perfect.

There are 5 types of Crystals:#

Red Green Blue Yellow Purple

Crystals are generated in the Monster Heroes' Bags. Monster Heroes dwell in the Aggressive Ruins.
Monster Hero from an Aggressive Ruin of level 5 has 2-3 Crystal in the Bag, Monster Hero from a Ruin of level 6 has 3-4 Crystals.

How to get Crystals#

Hero of a player or a Monster Hero gets Crystals into possession in the course of the "Robbery" mission. Only player who have the "Alchemy" science studied can steal Crystals.
Crystals are stolen from the defeated by the winner regardless of their roles in the battle (attacker or defender).
Player who has no Hero or whose Hero is stunned can't steal any Crystals.

Crystals can be stolen from Hero's Bag, the "Vault" and "Alchemy" tabs randomly. Stolen Crystal gets to the winning Hero's Bag. If there is not enough place for all gained Crystals in the Bag, random Crystals of the gained will be stolen. If there is no place for Crystals at all, Crystals won't be stolen; this will be registered in the Battle Report.

Robbery of Crystal from players:

In the course of 1 "Robbery" mission with 1 Hero, a player can steal 1 random Crystal from those the opponent has in the Bag of the Hero in Garrison, from the "Vault" and "Alchemy" tabs of the vault building.
Crystals cannot be stolen from the hero's bag if the hero is in the Sanctuary.
Crystal are not stolen from the assisting Hero.

If there are more than 1 Crystal in a domain and several players take part in the mission, each player will get 1 random Crystal. If there is only 1 Crystal and several players in the mission - random player will get the Crystal.

Robbery of Crystal from Monsters:

You can steal more than 1 Crystal from Monsters if the Monster Hero has robbed another player of his Crystals before.

When Monster Hero goes out from the Ruin, he leaves 1 random Crystal there. The Crystal can be seen in the Main Building of the Ruin. The Crystal can be stolen from the Ruin if it is destroyed and if there is place for the Crystal in the Bag of your Hero. If there is also Magic Item in the Ruin but there is not enough place for both the Item and the Crystal - the magic Item will be stolen.

On the returning home to the Ruin, Monster Hero takes the Crystal left for the time of his absence back in the Bag.
Defeated Monsters lose all their Crystals, winners will get the Crystals evenly.

Crystals and other Magic Items do not interfere each other, meaning that a Crystal and, for example, an Artefact can be found by a player in the same Ruin.

Storage of Crystals

1 Crystal takes 1 slot in the Hero's Bag or in the Vault.
Several Crystals of the same type cannot be placed at the Altar.

Sale of Crystal

It's possible to sell Crystals to the Trader for 100 Black Gems on credit.
Crystals can not be sold 2 hours before battle in case of incoming attack.