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Every nine Kingdoms share one Clan Castle which is visible to all players. Initially Clan Castles are defended by a special monster race – “the monsters of Clan Castle".
Effects, cast against the monster race in the battle, won`t work against the monsters of Clan Castle.

In order to seize a Clan Castle, the science Clan Castle needs to be studied. The science is studied by all clan members together – each member can assign his alchemists to studying this science.
IMPORTANT: When changing the science studies from you current science to “Clan Castles” you can assign already studied science points to “Clan Castles”, but not the other way around.

Clan Castle becomes the property of Clan, once the monsters are defeated. It`s also possible to seize Clan Castles by defeating the other Clans.
Each Clan can possess up to 5 Clan Castles depending on the science level studied. After the seizure, Clan Castle will be displayed in the list of Clan`s domains, which is visible instead of common domain list of player when entering the Clan Castle.

Brand new building types such as Arena and Internal Gate can be constructed in the Clan Castles. No buildings can be constructed in the villages of Clan Castles.
Troops trained in the Clan Castles can be used only for defending the Castle. The training costs are considerably higher in the Clan Castles than in the cities.

Main Building of a Clan Castle bears certain amount of War and Peace points for the Clan every hour. These points may be used for purchasing Clan Standards which provide certain advantages for all players in the Clan.
Standards can be robbed other Clans by «Robbery» mission. Some part of Standards may go to the winner when capturing a Clan Castle.

per hour
Creates War/
Peace points
1 0 0 1 000 10 1 000 000 10 000 1
2 600 000 2 000 000 800 000 0 0 1 500 14 1 500 000 20 000 2
3 1 200 000 4 000 000 1 600 000 0 0 2 000 18 2 000 000 30 000 3
4 2 400 000 8 000 000 3 200 000 0 0 2 500 22 2 500 000 40 000 4
5 4 800 000 16 000 000 6 400 000 0 0 3 000 26 3 000 000 50 000 5

Main Building of a Castles hosts «Hall of fame»
There are 10 slots for not activated Standards, 5 of them military and the other 5 – peaceable.

There are 20 Standards: 10 War Standards and 10 Peace Standards.
When a Clan Castle is created, 5 War and 5 Peace Standards are randomly assigned to it.
Peace Standards have following effects: bonus to troop's health, bigger chance of finding magic items, increasing of maximal defense, increasing the efficiency of Internal Gate, acceleration of explorers, merchants, increased alchemy studies, increased efficiency of the Arena, etc.
War Standards provide: increased magician attack, automatic troops training, increased efficiency of fortifications magic towers, towers, accelerated army training, etc.

Clan Treasurer can buy Peace Standards for Peace Points and Clan War Minister can buy War Standards for War Points. In order to purchase a Standard, the respective slot needs to be clicked. Successfully purchased Standard becomes coloured.
Effects of the currently active Standard can be prolonged by clicking it.

The price of Peace Standards is presented solely in peace points, the price of War Standards – in war points.

There are two types of Standards: first one affects Clan Castles, the other one – each player in the clan.
The effects of the same Standards from different clans are added. If adding effects makes no difference, only one of them will be applied.

Standards don`t have any levels.

In the Main Building of Clan Castle, players can donate resources, population and BG to estate bank. Clan Treasurer can also make donations from clan warehouse or clan reservation. Donations can`t be made less than 2 hours before battle in the domain, from where the resources are assigned.
BG in the Clan Castle Bank are mutual for all Clan Castles. After losing the last Clan Castle, Black Gems won`t be accessible anymore, but remain and will be accessible after new Clan Castle is seized.

Diplomatic Corps in a Clan Castle allows to declare war against enemy clan and sign treaty of peace with friendly clan, which in turn raises the income of war and peace points.
Only one Diplomatic Corps can be constructed in a Clan Castle.
Diplomatic Corps allows to sign treaty of peace with maximum 3 clans and declare war against maximum 3 clans. If the Diplomatic Corps gets destroyed, interclan relationships remain unchanged.

For signing treaty of peace clan needs to send peace offer to another clan which has to accept it.
It is impossible to offer treaty of peace to the clan you have declared war on or to the clan that has declared war against your clan.
After signing treaty of peace all players of both clans can`t attack each other. The speed of merchant missions between clan`s estate doubles. Clan Castle gets 1 peace point for resources worth 1.500.000 in gold sold to players from the friended clan.

The dissolution of peace treaty can be initiated by any of the two clans and takes 24 hours. Within this time the dissolution can be canceled.

After losing the last of Clan Castle, all treaties of peace will be automatically dissolved.

In order to declare war on other clan, you need to click the clan and choose the option «Declare war». War will be declared in 24 hours.
War can be declared only on clans with the same or bigger amount of Clan Castles.
Declaration of war doesn't need to be accepted by the target clan. Many clans can declare war on the very same clan.

For annihilation of troops and buildings belonging to the enemy clan, your clan declared war on, Clan Castles of your clan will each get 1 War Point (for annihilated troops and buildings worth 500.000 in gold).
Killed troops are calculated the same way as for Faction Rating: only attackers get points; killed troops of all Castle defenders are taken into account; monster troops, unless in the garrison, are not taken into account.
Clan who declared the war can stop the war. The war will be stopped automatically, if the target clan loses one Clan Castle and therefore has one Castle less then the Clan that declared the war. War will be ended automatically, if the aggressor clan losses all its Clan Castles. In order to stop the war, the button «End the war» needs to be clicked. The war will be ended instantly.

When loosing the last of Clan Castles, all declared wars and treaties of peace get automatically dissolved at the very instant.

Arena is created for training heroes of all clan members. It adds a certain amount (depends on the building level) of experience to every hero in the allied slots of CC.

Internal Gate defend the Castle from capturing. Enemy can neither seize the castle nor fight its troops if the gate hasn`t been destroyed first.
Internal Gate participates in the battle even if impaired.
Battle against the Internal Gate is proceeded following way: first comes the common fortification round, afterwards the round against Gate, without defender troops, but with towers and magic towers with attack as if troops were involved.
Internal Gate doesn`t attack the enemy, but take over all of his attack points. Internal Gate assimilates 100000 attack points in the first round.
Rounds against Internal Gate end when Gate`s strength falls down to 0.
As usual 20 rounds are possible.
If the Gate gets destroyed in the 17. round, defender`s troops cut in in the 18 round. If Gate has been destroyed, it disappears.

Attack on Clan Castle

Clan Castle can`t be attacked (no matter what mission), if the target Clan has less Clan Castles than the aggressor Clan.

Not only clan members but their allies as well can launch a joint attack on Castle (Seizure mission). In case of a successful attack, the Castle goes into possession of the initiator of the attack. Players can join this attack even if they haven`t studied the respective level of Clan Castle science.

There is no shelter in the Clan Castle, but the building Internal Gate can be build additionally.
3 players can launch a joint attack on Clan Castle. 3 players can defend the castle in the ally slots.

Clan in the process of registration loses all Clan Castles. This Clan won`t be able to seize a Clan Castle even if the respective science is studied.

All buildings except for Main Building can be destroyed in the Castle.
Castle can be seized only if there are no defending buildings in it. If a castle was seized, slightly more than half of all Standards in its Hall of Fame get lost.
When seizing a Clan Castle, its buildings are destroyed in the same way as in a Mine.
When seizing a Clan Castle, its resources get lost in the same way as in a Mine.
BG don`t get lost and remain in the Bank of the Clan.
When seizing a Clan Castle, 50% or slightly more of War and Peace points get lost. Effect Tender seizure doesn`t affect the Standards.