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Can be constructed in the Capital only. Keeps Hero's items - Artefacts, Scrolls, Bottles.
With the Vault building upgrade - its capacity increases.
If the building is removed and then constructed again, all artifacts will be accessible.
In case of Capital Transfer, the Artefacts will be accessible in the new Capital after the Vault building is constructed there.

After entering the Vault building, the Vault tab window, where slots for Hero Items are, will open. The Trader tab is also available inside of the Vault building.


30 slots for Items are available in the Trader.
5-10 Artefacts are automatically generated for buying at the Trader.
The magic Items list for buying can be instantly re-generated for 50 BG. You can find the appropriate button at the bottom of the Trader tab.

Artefacts are bought by clicking an Artefact in the Trader tab or by moving an Artefact to Hero Doll or Hero Bag from the Trader.
Artefact, bought by clicking, will be placed to the Hero Bag or, if it is not possible - to the Vault.
Player's credit in the Black Gems is shown at the top. When a player's Artefact or Scroll is sold, 100% of the Artefact or Scroll will be added to the Credit Account. Up to 50% of item's cost can be payed off using the credit.
Trader will be available even if player is being attacked.
At Magic Item purchase, credit Black Gems used first, and then - the Black Gems from the main BG account.

Artefacts are sold in the Vault by clicking an Artefact or by moving an Artefact in any (even occupied) Trader's slot from Hero Bag or Hero Doll.
After confirmation the Artefact is removed from the player and placed into empty Trader's slot for selling at regular price.
At Trader's, the cost of the selling Artefact is added to the player's credit.

Sets Trader #

In the Sets Trader tab any set of Artefacts can be bought with 20% discount.

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