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Can be constructed in City inside the City Wall, in Pit or in Salt Lake.
The Dungeon building allows capturing enemy Heroes. Chance of capturing depends on share of losses of the attacking player and the Dungeon level.
With the building level, the number of Heroes that can be captured in the Dungeon and the coefficient of imprisonment chance grow.

Number of prisonersCoef. of imprisonment chance

Chance of enemy Hero capturing is checked every time after battle in the domain where the Dungeon building is constructed. The chance is ratio of the attacker's killed units cost in Gold (according to the market average rate) after all rounds including rounds of Resurrection and Necromancy to the attacker's all (participated in the battle) units cost, multiplied by the coefficient that depends on the Dungeon level.
If the result % is above 100% - the Hero will be captured 100%.
Chance of imprisonment is verified only for the winning Hero, including cases when mission failed due to some other reason.
Imprisonment chance for the defeated Hero is 100%.
Chance of imprisonment is verified for each Hero separately.
If there is no place for a Hero in Dungeon, the Hero will not be imprisoned.
If several Heroes have to be imprisoned but there is not place for all of them in Dungeon, random Heroes will be imprisoned.

Prisoners stay in the Dungeon until they are not:


A Hero owner can release the Hero if successfully completes the "Hero Release" mission.


A Hero owner can ransom the Hero for the amount of Crops and Iron that is specified in the Dungeon. The amount of resources depends on the Hero level.
Only a Hero owner can ransom the Hero (Substitute is not allowed to do that).
List of imprisoned Heroes can be viewed by a player in the "Hero Ransom" tab in the Diplomatic Corps building. Cost, Hero name, class and level, and nickname and domain of the Dungeon owner is also displayed there.
Ransom cost includes 10% tax.
Imprisoned Hero is considered in Heroes limit, that is a Hero imprisonment will not bring an ability to hire another Hero if the Heroes limit is reached. Imprisoned Hero cannot be fired.
After resources have been payed, they appear in domain where the Dungeon is situated, except for 10% tax. The ransomed Hero returns to the capital with the "Escape" mission.

Letting off#

The Dungeon owner can let the imprisoned Hero any moment even if the City Gate is closed. In this case, the Hero returns to the Capital with the "Escape" mission.

If domain with Dungeon is destroyed (Pit can collapse, City can be removed by player), then Hero from the Dungeon returns to the Capital.
Heroes from damaged Dungeon return to the home Capitals.
Suppressed (by the Spell) Dungeon is considered overfilled and all imprisoned in the Dungeon Heroes are released.
If a player seizes domain with Dungeon where the player's Hero is imprisoned. In such case, the player can release the Hero.

If Monster Hero did not find the home Ruin after return from a mission, the Monster Hero disappears, as well as monsters army does in such case.

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