This page (revision-56) was last changed on 23-Apr-2021 17:44 by Administrator

This page was created on 23-Apr-2021 17:54 by Administrator

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
56 23-Apr-2021 17:44 1 KB Administrator to previous
55 23-Apr-2021 17:54 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
54 23-Apr-2021 17:54 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
53 23-Apr-2021 17:54 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
52 23-Apr-2021 17:54 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last Combat ==> Battle
51 23-Apr-2021 17:54 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
50 23-Apr-2021 17:54 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
49 23-Apr-2021 17:54 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
48 23-Apr-2021 17:54 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last Battle ==> Combat
47 23-Apr-2021 17:54 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last БОЙ ==> Battle
46 23-Apr-2021 17:54 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last Королевство ==> Kingdom
45 23-Apr-2021 17:54 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last Ресурсы ==> Resources
44 23-Apr-2021 17:54 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last Город ==> City
43 23-Apr-2021 17:54 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
42 23-Apr-2021 17:54 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
41 23-Apr-2021 17:54 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last

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Выйдя из [города|город] мы попадаем в королевство. \\
[{Image src='kar.jpg' align='left' }] Координаты королевства задаются двумя цифрами, например, 36-11. Чтобы перейти в королевство с такими координатами - воспользуйтесь элементами навигации. \\
[{Image src='kar2.jpg' align='left' }]Внутри королевства поля, на которых стоят города и другие владения, также имеют номер, чтобы его увидеть, нажмите на кнопку вверху справа "Включить\выключить сетку".
Каждое поле в королевстве имеет свой __террайн__.\\
Каждый террайн имеет определенные бонусы или дисбонусы.\\
[{Image src='button_map.png' align='left' }] Leave your [City|City] by clicking the Map icon in the bottom left corner. You will find yourself on the __Kingdom__ Map. In the bottom part of the window you will see the Empire Map. On the top you will see the name and coordinates of your city. It is considered current City and all missions while you are in Kingdom will be performed FROM this City.\\
\\Kingdom coordinates are specified with two figures, for example, 36-11. With the third figure of coordinates a Square in the Kingdom is specified. In order to appear in Kingdom with certain coordinates, use navigation to the right side of the screen. Kingdoms where you have your domains are of bright yellow colour on the Empire map. The Kingdom where your current domain is situated is marked with red borders.
[{Image src='nav.jpg' align='center' }]\\
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ПО ЗАЩИТЕ ВОЙСК: На своем родном расовом террайне у войск +25 единиц защиты.\\
||Эльфы ||Темные эльфы || Рыцари|| Демоны
|Волшебные леса |Проклятые леса |Священная земля |Мёртвая земля
| [{Image src='elf.jpg'}]|[{Image src='drow.jpg'}] | [{Image src='human.jpg'}]|[{Image src='demon.jpg'}]
|+25 защиты|+25 защиты|+25 защиты|+25 защиты
Kingdom Squares, empty or with cities or other domains on them, are also numbered. In order to see the number of a square, click the "Grid on/off" button in the upper right corner. [{Image src='grid.jpg' align='center' }]\\
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||Террайн||[{Image src='gold.png'}]||[{Image src='wood.png'}]||[{Image src='stone.png'}]||[{Image src='grain.png'}]||[{Image src='iron.png'}]
| Горы | |-50 |70 |-50 |
|Пустыня | 70 |-50 | | |50
|Лес| |100|-50| |
|Степь| |-50| |200|
!Terrain Bonuses
Each Square in Kingdom has its __terrain__. Each terrain has certain bonuses and penalties:
* bonus on [Resources Production|Resources]
* bonus on [Army Defence and Attack|Battle]\\
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The bonuses can be seen after clicking any square on the Kingdom Map and then the "Terrain Information" button:
[{Image src='terinfo.jpg' align='center' }]
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| Горы | -50 | | 50 |
|Пустыня | 50 | | -50 |
|Лес | | -50 | | 50
|Степь | | 50 | | -50
В Подземелье у всех Наемников атака -50.\\
[{Image src='terbonus.jpg' align='center' }]