This page (revision-36) was last changed on 13-Sep-2024 21:05 by Administrator

This page was created on 23-Apr-2021 17:49 by Administrator

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
36 13-Sep-2024 21:05 3 KB Administrator to previous
35 24-May-2024 15:15 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
34 24-May-2024 15:14 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
33 26-Jan-2022 16:41 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
32 26-Jan-2022 16:39 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
31 23-Apr-2021 17:45 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
30 23-Apr-2021 17:49 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last Mage_build ==> TrainMages
29 23-Apr-2021 17:49 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last Fraction ==> Factions
28 23-Apr-2021 17:49 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last UnitsParametrs ==> UnitsParameters
27 23-Apr-2021 17:49 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last UnitParametrs ==> UnitsParametrs
26 23-Apr-2021 17:49 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
25 23-Apr-2021 17:49 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
24 23-Apr-2021 17:49 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
23 23-Apr-2021 17:49 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last Фракции ==> Fraction
22 23-Apr-2021 17:49 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last Расы ==> Race
21 23-Apr-2021 17:49 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last

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[{Image src='demon.png' align='left'}] __Demons__- cruel and cold-blooded creatures of darkness. They dwell in the Dead Lands –lifeless scorched territories around volcanoes, where they’ve learnt to [mine stone|Mine_stone] very quickly compared with other races. Demons have united different warriors of darkness under their flags – dragons, skeletons, leeches, but their most outstanding warrior is the [Demonesse mercenary|UnitParametrs]. She has the most attack points among the other races’ mercenaries. Being in [cahoots|Fraction] with the Dark Elves they accumulate forces in order to seize the power in the Empire once and for all.\\
[{Image src='demon.png' align='left'}] __Demons__ are cold-blooded creatures of darkness. They dwell in the Deadlands –lifeless scorched territories around volcanoes, where they’ve learnt to [mine Stone|Mine_stone] very quickly, compared to other races. Demons have united different warriors of darkness under their flags – Dragons, Skeletons, Leeches, but their most outstanding warrior is the mercenary [Demonesse |UnitParametrs]. She has the most of attack points among the other races’ mercenaries. Being in [deal|Fraction] with Dark Elves, Demons accumulate forces in order to seize power in the Empire once for all. \\
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[{Image src='drow.png' align='left'}] __Dark Elves (Drows)__. Часть эльфов в незапамятные времена была изгнана в подземелья Проклятых лесов. Они приспособились к мраку, видоизменились и взяли к себе на службу обитателей подземелий - в результате появилась новая раса. Темные эльфы хорошо [добывают дерево|Samwill] и [железо|Mine_iron]. А их боевые [Маги|UnitParametrs] достигли таких вершин в своем искусстве, что при атаке владений лучше всех противостоят башням противника. Также их маги [быстрее тренируются|Mage_build]. В [сговоре|Fraction] с Демонами.\\
[{Image src='drow.png' align='left'}] __Dark Elves__. In ancient times some part of Elves were exiled to the caves of the Cursed Woods. They have adapted to the darkness, mutated and took the cave dwellers as servants. As a result the new race emerged. The Dark Elves produce [Wood|Samwill] and [Iron|Mine_iron] well. And their combat [Mages|UnitParametrs] are the best units to oppose enemy Towers during their attacks. Besides, their Mages [train faster|Mage_build]. Dark Elves are in deal with Demons.\\
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[{Image src='elf.png' align='left'}] Миролюбивая раса __Эльфов __избрала местом своего обитания сказочно Волшебные леса с высокими водопадами. От чего не страдает эта раса, так это от недостатка строительных материалов - у них самая большая [добыча дерева|Samwill]. И, конечно же, сказания про чудесные исцеления Эльфийских [лекарей|UnitParametrs] слышны делеко за пределами их земель. В [дружественных|Fraction] отношениях с Рыцарями. \\
[{Image src='elf.png' align='left'}] A peaceful race of __Elves__ chose the fabulous Magic Woods with high waterfalls as the place to live in. This race has the greatest rate of [Wood production|Samwill]. And, of course, the tales about miraculous deeds of the Elven [Healers|UnitParametrs] have spread far beyond the boundaries of their lands. Elves have [friendly|Fraction] relations with Knights. \\
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[{Image src='human.png' align='left'}] Про доблесть расы __Рыцарей __слагают легенды, но ничто не сравнится с количеством легенд про их любовь к золоту. У Рыцарей самая большая [эффективность добычи золота|Shop] и самая большая [емкость рюкзаков у Носильщиков|UnitParametrs] среди других рас. Для хранения своих несметных сокровищ они строят [самые вместительные склады|Warehouse]. Также их особенностью является высокая [скорость добычи злаков|Windmill]. В [дружественных|Fraction] отношениях с Эльфами.\\
[{Image src='human.png' align='left'}] Legends are being told about bravery of the __Knights__ race, but nothing will compare to the number of legends about their passion for gold. The Knights have the highest [Gold production efficiency |Shop] and the greatest capacity of the [Carriers' backpacks|UnitParametrs] among other races. In order to store their teeming treasures they build the [Warehouses|Warehouse] of the highest capacity. Also, they distinct with high rate of [Crops production|Windmill]. Knights have [friendly|Fraction] relations with Elves.\\